
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Baked brinjal crisps

This recipe, if I may call it that, is so simple that I wasn't sure if I should post it. It has been in my drafts for a very long time. The inspiration for this dish is a post by Srivalli ages back. It is something that my little girl loves to munch on and so I thought it would be the perfect way to end this month's blogging marathon in which my chosen theme is Kids Delight.

What you need:
Brinjal/eggplant - washed and dried individually
Red chilli powder
Oil - a little, just enough to lightly coat the sliced brinjals

Slice the brinjals into thin circles. In a large mixing bowl, toss it with the salt, chilli powder and oil. Arrange the slices in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Microwave on high for 6-7 minutes, turning over once midway.

Microwave times and powers please keep a close watch as the brinjals get done.
The fact that I only have a "before" photo should tell you how good and addictive this is. I had no crisps left to click an "after" photo.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other marathoners doing BM#16.
This post goes to Smitha who is hosting Kids' Delight this month 


Unknown said...

very nice and innovative idea....

Suma Gandlur said...

Must try these for my eggplant lover husband. :)

Sangeetha M said...

Brinjal chips, interesting n new to me...sounds like simple n quick snack!
Spicy Treats

Priya Suresh said...

Quite inviting crips,loving it.

Rasi said...

this is new to me.. though am not a fan of brinjal.. my husband sure is!

Chef Mireille said...

not an eggplant fan, but I am sure these are yummy to eggplant lovers

The Pumpkin Farm said...

very interesting

Anonymous said...

Baked brinjal looks so yummy.

Nalini's Kitchen said...

Sounds interesting.....

hotpotcooking said...

Nice idea.

Srivalli said...

Jay, I always loved this..glad you like it link it to MEC too..:)..glad you did the BM with us..

vaishali sabnani said...

sure sounds interesting!

veena said...

This is very new to me. Interesting!!