This recipe, if I may call it that, is so simple that I wasn't sure if I should post it. It has been in my drafts for a very long time. The inspiration for this dish is a post by Srivalli ages back. It is something that my little girl loves to munch on and so I thought it would be the perfect way to end this month's blogging marathon in which my chosen theme is Kids Delight.

What you need:
Brinjal/eggplant - washed and dried individually
Red chilli powder
Oil - a little, just enough to lightly coat the sliced brinjals
Slice the brinjals into thin circles. In a large mixing bowl, toss it with the salt, chilli powder and oil. Arrange the slices in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Microwave on high for 6-7 minutes, turning over once midway.
Microwave times and powers please keep a close watch as the brinjals get done.
The fact that I only have a "before" photo should tell you how good and addictive this is. I had no crisps left to click an "after" photo.
Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other marathoners doing BM#16.
This post goes to Smitha who is hosting Kids' Delight this month

What you need:
Brinjal/eggplant - washed and dried individually
Red chilli powder
Oil - a little, just enough to lightly coat the sliced brinjals
Slice the brinjals into thin circles. In a large mixing bowl, toss it with the salt, chilli powder and oil. Arrange the slices in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Microwave on high for 6-7 minutes, turning over once midway.
Microwave times and powers please keep a close watch as the brinjals get done.
The fact that I only have a "before" photo should tell you how good and addictive this is. I had no crisps left to click an "after" photo.
Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other marathoners doing BM#16.
This post goes to Smitha who is hosting Kids' Delight this month